Travel in Europe

Unforgettable travel experiences in Europe

Discover must-see European destinations on your European vacation. Europe’s major cities offer great opportunities for local tourism. Choose immersive high-altitude trips in the Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians or Mont Blanc. You can also reach Europe’s most beautiful beaches and seaside resorts.

European destinations
European cities
European beaches
European mountains

Shopping sprees to discover local products and travel souvenirs.

Extreme adventures

European expeditions and adventures for authentic experiences.


Memorable honeymoons with the best ideas for couples’ activities.

Travel photos

Unique snapshots of your local experiences in Europe.

Prestigious aparthotels for absolute comfort
Authentic travel

Tailor-made travel offers allow you to travel off the beaten track, discover European traditions or experience a European nature holiday in a different way. They’ll tell you about the best travel destinations, and suggest ideal itineraries to follow according to your desires. Tailor-made trip organizers in Europe can book your accommodation, means of travel, restaurants and various activities not to be missed.

Wilderness walks

Take a walk in the heart of nature to discover wildlife, the hidden wonders of flora and fauna deep in forests, rivers and cliff tops.

Outdoor adventures

Experience new adventures and discover the joys of outdoor sports. Try your hand at climbing, mountaineering, sailing, canoeing, survival or assault courses.

Breathtaking landscapes

Discover the diversity of landscapes in the heart of Europe’s nature parks, green spaces, gardens and major cities. Opt for seaside getaways in Europe.

Slow travel

Explore the wonders of Europe at your own pace and opt for sustainable travel by following the slow travel concept. Admire the slow-moving landscape on board a train, car, bike or donkey. Choose accommodation and restaurants that are close to the locals, so you can experience local culture and save money at the same time. Familiarize yourself with the customs of a region, take time to appreciate local flavors and different ecosystems.